Flyers Surfing

You may have flyers of exhibitions and performances kept at home with various reasons such as being memorable, having no chance to go, cool design, or was life-changing.
We display the flyers collected and stored with many sentimental reasons on our site and aim to be a timeless flyer storage place.
思い入れのある/どうしても行けなかった/デザインがかっこいい/人生を変えた展覧会や公演。 それぞれの理由や思いで保管されているフライヤーたちをウェブで公開し、期限のないチラシ置き場を目指します。
We are looking for flyers!
Please refer to the following page for further details:
The copyrights for the flyer data in this site belong to the copyright owners and group. The source for the copyrighted material is listed on each page with the details and link.
* Attention Copyright Owners!
If you find any problem with listed images, please contact us.
We will address the issue as soon as possible.
Shun Tsuzawa